Sunday, April 20, 2014

Spring in Nevada City

So I chose Nevada City as a new home about 2 months ago.  I had a strong feeling that living here would be very healing for me.   A year full of self growth and personal development.  So far it's been wonderful.  I've included some photos of things I'm doing.

My first friend, Lily, helped me paint the clay I harvested from Capay on my walls. It's green and soothing.

 My Dad helped me put together a space that I could thrive in.  I've learned 6 guitar chords!

 The river is an exuberant healing flow.  It calls for utmost respect.

My RoOMaTes Rock my Socks off ERE DAY!

So many gifts to remind me how blessed I am!
...From the garden!

 Lovin' my porch today.

Finallly, here's a shout out to all my Michiganders.  You guys are the most bravest.  You all deserve to have an amazing summer.  Here's a clip from the west side, a note of whats to come...