Tuesday, October 12, 2010

KimchI Will Save the World


I'm sorry my messages last night were lame. I was having those "once a month girl emotions" and I knew it. But I got my "once a month girl thing" today so I'm feeling great! Its crazy how there's just that little chemical change or something that makes my heart just feel empty or full. I feel really sorry for people who's hearts maybe never feel as full as mine..

I'm really happy here. I love our school lunch. okay that's random but its true. I mean how can you not love your life, when school lunch is not only free but delicious?

everyday we have this dish called Kimchi. Its made out of cabbage fermented with hot peppers and fish sauce. and its served cold in a small dish. it sounds awful but really my mouth is watering just thinking about it right now. its spicy, cold, refreshing, crispy, and extremely flavorful.

yumm. I've enjoyed kimchi since I got here but maybe the reason its on my mind so much today is because of the field trip i got to go on with my kids today. We went to a Onggi festival that was only 30 minute bus ride. Korea times says...

"Ulsan is the country's largest distributor of onggi products made by professional potters. The nearby county of Ulju houses an onggi village and has held onggi festivals since 2000."

First we took a coach bus (or actually 3) to get there. which made it for sure the most comfortable field trip ever. and when we got out, were no longer in the city but the mountains. It was a gorgeous autumn day here. Too warm for fall but who's complaining? The area was just full of dark brown glazed ceramic pots. It was a huge place. The first thing we did was get filled through a museum. I was kinda surprised that they were letting us in with like ...uhh 250 (or more, I'm really not sure) kindergartners. But oh man was I surprised later in the day when they let us all into the art gallery. I was walking around freaking out as kids touched and bumped into the stands and the ceramic pieces. Everyone was walking, talking at the same time. I thought for sure at least 4 pieces would have been broken at the end. Strangely, I think I was the only one who was even concerned in the whole place. But as far as I know, nothing was damaged.

There are three possibilities that I could think of that is reasoning to their crazy actions. One could be they don't have the same appreciation for arts that we would in the states. Or that because they are a new museam that just hasn't experienced any kindergarderns crashing some of their pieces yet, to learn from their mistakes. Or maybe its the Montessori teachers way, letting kids be kids with out any concern. Whatever the reason, I'm so glad it turned out okay. And I'm kinda embarrassed that I was so shocked and nervous. But I know I'd never see anything like that in the states.

anyways... back to the point of the story. So these ongii pots used to be made so Koreans could store their kimchi in the ground for up to 2 years to let it ferment. So at the end of the afternoon they showed us a 3-D movie. Yes that's right, someone decided that in the middle of this historic place full of ancient tradition was the perfect place to show a 3-D movie. And they were right.

They showed a movie for this festival with superheroes representing ongii pots. There was a dad pot, and son pot, fire, water, clay, and a fairy(just for fun). and then there was the big evil supervillan. He derived his power from all the junk food people were eating in the world. And then there was one boy and his grandfather who were the last people who cared about making pottery on earth. And right when the super-villan was about to destroy all living life on earth, the superheros absorbed energy from all the kimchi in the world, the boy made a single pot, with so much love and devotion that they were able to defeat the supervillan once and for all. and the earth turned green again. :)

damn, what a good story.... if I don't say so myself. If that doesn't make you want to come to Korea and try some kimchi I don't know what will. The best part is that kids here love Kimchi. The video is new this year so you can't credit it all to that. Just before we watched the movie Amy Teacher was telling me about a post she read on a friend who is also teaching in Korea facebook commenting that "2/3 of his kids would rather eat Kimchi than chocolate cake." Its true, you should see their home packed lunches....

Okay I got to go... Love you sheya baby.

1 comment:

  1. ohmahgosh. i need kimchi. now. hahaha your blog rocks. and your day sounds like it was one of your dreams- totally unreal. im so happy your experiences just keep getting more and more interesting! im picturing you protecting the giant ceramic pots and artwork from 250 wild kindergarteners and its a hilarious image. love you and miss you ridiculously. -sheya
